Monday, May 23, 2011

25 Random Facts About Dan

  1. I'm part of a family of four.
  2. I've made about 100 short films in the past four years and counting.
  3. I've always wanted to learn how play the guitar and/or the electric cello.
  4. I have a primal fear of horses.
  5. My 8th grade class and I were once on the news for singing "Manic Monday".
  6. I used to play the piano in 4th grade.
  7. I played the Jaws theme on the piano during a 4th grade talent show, which was basically just me playing the same two notes over and over again for three and a half minutes.
  8. I've always wanted to live in California.
  9. I've collected all of the Iron Man 2 Slurpee cups from 7-Eleven.
  10. I think 3-D movies are the downfall of modern cinema and will give you an extensively long rant about them if you make the mistake of asking me for my opinion.
  11. I basically like every type of music there is, except rap and country.
  12. I am a proud NolanFan #InNolanWeTrust
  13. I have a countdown clock on my desktop that shows the amount of days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the midnight premiere of the third Batman movie in 2012.
  14. I have another primal fear of roller coasters.
  15. I've always wanted to learn how to surf.
  16. I used to be obsessed with fish and the ocean in general.
  17. When I grow up, my dream is to become a Hollywood film director-writer.
  18. My favorite car is the Audi R8.
  19. I would be lost without my friends and family.
  20. I think the second Iron Man movie was terrible.
  21. If a magic genie appeared and gave me three wishes, my third one would be for an interchangeable British accent.
  22. At heart, I am the biggest nerd you will ever meet in your entire life.
  23. I also think Michael Bay is the epitome of the downfall of modern film directing.
  24. My other primal fears are roller coasters, public speaking, and ordering things over the phone.
  25. This list is over.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to ask you about your opinion on 3-D movies. :)
